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Canto de Cravo e Rosa 
[Song of Carnation and Rose]

“Canto de Cravo e Rosa [Song of Carnation and Rose]” is a theatrical dramaturgy for children, written by Viviane Juguero, whose central theme is the beauty of diversity. The work presents a fabled narrative structured through different songs from popular Brazilian folklore, in a fun, musical and emotional spectacle. The first assembling of the text was performed by Bando de Brincantes, in 2007, under the direction of Jessé Oliveira and remained on display until 2014, having been presented in several Brazilian cities. In 2009, the book with the dramaturgy was released and, since then, several assemblies, studies and creations have been inspired by the work.


Studies on “Canto de Cravo e Rosa”


Grazioli, Fabiano. (2019). Percursos criativos na concepção de Canto de Cravo e Rosa, de Viviane Juguero: a dramaturgia impressa para a leitura da criança

[Creative paths in the conception of Song of Carnation and Rose, by Viviane Juguero: printed dramaturgy for children's reading]. Doctoral dissertation.

Brazilian Federal University of Passo Fundo. 

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Grazioli, Fabiano. (2019). Dramaturgia e infância: a influência da poesia folclórica na composição de Canto de Cravo e Rosa, de Viviane Juguero

[Playwriting and childhood: the influence of folk poetry in the composition of Song of Carnation and Rose, by Viviane Juguero].

Federal University of the São Francisco Valley:  Magazine Dramaturgia em Foco [Dramaturgy in Focus]. 

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Juguero, Viviane. (2019). “Canto de Cravo e Rosa (2007)  [Song of Carnation and Rose (2007)].” (Pages 262 - 288). In: Juguero, Viviane. (2019). Dramaturgias radicais: poéticas matrísticas para uma arte dialógica.

[Radical Dramaturgies: matristic poetics for a dialogical art].

Doctoral  Dissertation.

Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 427 pp.

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Juguero, Viviane. (2014). “Canto de Cravo e Rosa: dialética da diversidade [Song of Carnation and Rose: dialectic of diversity]” (Pages 67 - 81). Juguero, Viviane. (2014). Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças

[Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children]. Master thesis.

Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.

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Juguero, Viviane. (2014). “Canto de Cravo e Rosa: dramaturgia [Song of Carnation and Rose: dramaturgy]”  (Pages 194-235).

In: Juguero, Viviane. (2014). Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças

[Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children].

Master thesis.

Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.

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