Jogos de inventar, cantar e dançar
[Inventing, singing, and dancing games]
"Jogos de Inventar, Cantar e Dançar [Inventing, Singing and Dancing Games]" was developed by Viviane Juguero based on four years of research by the artist, working daily, in different early childhood education institutions, with children from zero to six years old, from 2003 to 2007. In the activities, the art educator presented expressive, bodily, vocal and narrative proposals, interacting with the children and dialoguing with their reactions and propositions. This experience was essential for the development of her concept "children's ludic logic". "Jogos de Inventar, Cantar e Dançar" resulted in a show, a book and a CD, released in 2010. The play, performed by Bando de Brincantes and directed by Jessé Oliveira, remained on display until 2015. The book and the CD had three editions and continue to be present in homes and schools. The work inspired other creations, such as the cartoon "Jogos de Inventar [Inventing Games]", by the author herself, produced by Bactéria Filmes. "Jogos de Inventar, Cantar e Dançar" received the Tibicuera Children's Theater Award, in 2012, and the Açorianos Music Award for Best Children's Record of 2010.
Studies on "Jogos de Inventar, Cantar e Dançar"
Juguero, Viviane. (2014).
“Jogos de Inventar, Cantar e Dançar: Diálogos imaginários, afetivos e sensoriais
[Inventing, Singing and Dancing Games: Imaginary, affective and sensory dialogues]”
(Pages 82-101). Juguero, Viviane. (2014). Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças
[Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children].
Master thesis.
Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.
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Juguero, Viviane. (2014).
“Jogos de Inventar, Cantar e Dançar: Dramaturgia [Inventing, Singing and Dancing Games: Dramaturgy]”
(Pages 236-273). In: Juguero, Viviane. (2014). Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças [Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children]. Master thesis.
Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.
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More information: www.bandodebrincantes.com.br
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