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"Quaquarela" is a performance for children created based on folk games, associative ludic poems, and popular riddles present in Brazilian folklore. Viviane Juguero's dramaturgy redimensions the structure of the associative ludic poems. It is based on the different pluriperceptive associations present in children's games. The first production was performed by Bando de Brincantes, directed by the author herself, in 2012 and resulted in the 2013 Tibicuera Awards for Best Dramaturgy (Viviane Juguero), Best Actor (Éder Rosa), and Best Soundtrack (Toneco da Costa). The show was presented more than a hundred times in different Brazilian cities. The play remained on display until 2016. The work inspires other creations, such as the audiovisual series of the same title that Bactéria Filmes is producing.


Studies on “Quaquarela”


Juguero, Viviane. (2019). “Quaquarela (2012).” (Pages 289-300).

In: Juguero, Viviane. (2019). Dramaturgias radicais: poéticas matrísticas para uma arte dialógica

[Radical Dramaturgies: matristic poetics for a dialogical art].

Doctoral  Dissertation.

Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 427 pp.

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Juguero, Viviane. (2014). “Quaquarela: a cena da lógica lúdica [Quaquarela: the scene of ludic logic](Pages 102-128).

Juguero, Viviane. (2014). Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças

[Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children].

Master thesis.

Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.

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Juguero, Viviane. (2014). “Quaquarela: Dramaturgia [Quaquarela: Dramaturgy]” (Pages 274-305).

In: Juguero, Viviane. (2014). Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças

[Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children].

Master thesis.

Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.

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